DOXcontrol CORE TM is a DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS based CMTS management and cable modem provisioning system. It is robust, intuitive and affordable. Set up a working network in hours, not days! This includes integrated DHCP/TFTP/TOD servers, intuitive GUI and a user--definable customer database. Download a Datasheet Here
DOXcontrol ModemPad TM is a DOCSIS & EuroDOCSIS modem configuration file editor/creator. It supports DOCSIS 1.0/1.1/2.0 plus the latest 3.0 file encoding specifications. It has a built in SNMP translation engine and database that makes things very easy! MIB Browsing technologies are presently being integrated to offer a powerful framework to extract and incorporate OIDs from MIB files.
DOXcontrol MIB Browser TM provides a robust yet very affordable alternative to expensive alternatives in the market. With an intuitive feel and elegant GUI, it is easy to use, yet has plenty of horsepower.
Minimum Server Requirements: Microsoft Windows Server (Win XP and up) w/4GB RAM+500MB hard drive, 2 Ethernet ports and Serial connection.